As a student who majors in English department, it is important to have basic English skills. I have learned English for about ten years, and I went to the English cram school when I studied in elementary school. Due to having a lot English courses, my many English teachers also taught me that how to improve our English skills, and especially writing in English. For me, I remember that my experience to learn to write English is numerous because I try a lot of methods to enhance my ability in English. After studying English department in Providence University, I hope that my English skills can be as great as possible, so I study English more hard. I know that it’s extremely crucial to have listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities in English. Therefore, I ask my friends who learn English very well and gain their suggestions to learn English easily and soon. There is hardest time to learn to write English, and I have no patience to write some English essays or compositions. I was so frustrated in that time, and I was even blamed by my private English tutors because of my poor English grammar. Fortunately, I have an aunt who studied in American and she said that she could teach some tips to write English well. I was quite excited and I thought that my awful writing in English could be improved. My aunt told me that I should read as many as novels or American literatures I could, and tried to realize the meaning rhetoric why the authors write these ways. I may read books in English not very often, so I usually didn’t know how to write English at first.
Now my writing in English is progressive, and I decide to study more and more techniques of writing in English. In the future, I must try my hard to concentrate on the every English Writing class. I also believe that I can handle many difficulties during that time.